
Are you facing bugs or weird behavior when using the module? Try debugging your code using these steps!

  • Ensure that the module is inside StarterGui only.

  • Check if you passed correct parameters when using functions. Refer to the API.

  • The 'parent' parameter in :Cast() must be a ScreenGui instance.

  • There are Two kinds of object the module uses when checking for intersections of the ray and a gui object. A Frame and an ImageLabel. The module only checks if the ray intersects with a Frame or an ImageLabel. If you would like to make it check for intersections with other gui Objects such as ImageButton or TextLabel. Follow these steps: - Head into RayCast2 > GlobalConstants. - Edit the "Classes" table like this:

  • If you are getting weird results/behavior, example, the position of intersection of the ray and the gui is incorrect/inaccurate. Head into RayCast2 > GlobalConstants and set "offset" to, 0)

If these steps do not solve your problem, kindly reply with your problem on the Devforum Post!

Last updated