Heres an example on how you can use this module!
Last updated
Heres an example on how you can use this module!
Last updated
Head into Roblox Studio!
Create a Frame and name it "Box". Set its AnchorPoint to 0.5, 0.5 and set its position to:
UDim2.new(0.827, 0, 0.499, 0)
Now create a LocalScript, lets get coding! I also added a Folder named "Points". Which will contain our Intersection point frames.
Here's the code in our LocalScript!
local RayCast2 = require(path.to.module)
local Box = script.Parent
local ScreenGui = script.Parent.Parent
Box.Rotation += 0.2
local ray = RayCast2.new(Vector2.new(0, 225), Vector2.new(500, 225))
ray.Visible = true
local hit, pos= ray:Cast(ScreenGui, {Box})
if hit and pointPosition then
local pointFrame = Instance.new("Frame")
pointFrame.Name = "Point"
pointFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(255, 0, 0)
pointFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 10, 0, 10)
pointFrame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(.5, .5)
pointFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0, pos.X, 0, pos.Y)
pointFrame.ZIndex = 2
pointFrame.Parent = ScreenGui.Points
Result (Screenshot)
The red point frame will always be located at the point of intersection of the ray and the Box frame!